Our donors have the most inspiring stories to share! Second-time NorthernStar milk donor Rhaya graciously shared her milk with two babies, as well as her donation story and these gorgeous photos of her and her daughters.
From Rhaya:
"In 2022, this will be my second time donating through NorthernStar and the experience (both times!) was one of the simplest and most rewarding I’ve experienced to date! NorthernStar makes everything so easy.
I live 5 hours from the nearest milk drop so I wasn’t even sure if I would be able to donate. They explained the shipping process and how it was all covered. So simple. Amazing!
My middle daughter (Colbie) refused the breast around 5m old, then we found out I have high lipase and she also refused frozen milk! What do I do with the freezer full I have saved?! That’s where NorthernStar came in. I was able to donate in excess of 35L of liquid gold over 6 months 💜
When my 3rd girl (Raimey) was born I started pumping around 3-4m old to correct a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance my baby was experiencing. I’ve continued to pump very casually, and have logged approximately 500oz (almost 15L) for donation!
If donation has ever been on your radar, please please please contact Northern Star. I promise you will not be disappointed! And thank you NorthernStar for giving us this opportunity to help so many fragile babies. The blessing of this experience will be carried with us, always. 💜"
As of today, Rhaya has donated over 65 litres of milk to babies all over Canada! Thank you to Rhaya and her daughters for sharing your milk and your story with us. We couldn't do it without you.
