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Donor Story: Stacey & Brielle

NorthernStar milk donor Stacey & mom of baby Brielle:

April 14th, 2022:

"Sharing the gift of liquid gold 💛

Every woman's breastfeeding journey is different and can be filled with challenges. At first, I struggled, Brielle would not latch properly, and even though there was no reason for her to not, it added frustration and disappointment to an already stressful situation, I beat myself up for not being able to do what my baby needed. However, after trial-and-error, patience, education and support from health professionals, family and my spouse, I have found what works best for our little family. I found success in pumping then bottle feeding. There is no right or wrong way, as long as your baby is fed, fed is best 💕

Along my journey, I was blessed with the ability to over produce. Not only am I able to feed our beautiful healthy girl, I am also going to share this oversupply or "liquid gold" as they call it, with babies in need. I recently contacted NorthernStar Milk Bank and was approved to be a donor. Tonight I made my first donation of 118 bags at 6 ounces per bag totaling 708 ounces or 21 liters!! I am beyond proud of my body being able to do what it has done and hopefully will continue to do. If you are a new mother and have excess milk, reach out to the milk bank about becoming a donor 👏

The milk bank will pasteurize the milk ensuring it is safe for sick and NICU babies in need. One 4 ounce bottle can feed 8 NICU babies. Last year, they were able to donate approximately 229,000 ounces to hospitals and homes across Canada. There are so many benefits for babies receiving breastmilk, but always remember that fed is best 💕"

Thank you Stacey for your marvelous contribution of life-saving milk to babies in need! We are so appreciative of you and Brielle sharing your story. We couldn't do it without donors like you! Whether our donors give 60 oz, or 700 oz like Stacey, every precious drop counts.



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