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Donor Profile: Zoe's Story

Updated: Dec 8, 2021

From Zoe's Mom, Nancy:

Motherhood has taught me that it’s okay when life doesn’t always go as planned. My feeding journey with Zoe was long, hard, and nearly impossible at times. We dealt with numerous tongue tie clips, latch issues, bottle refusal, weight loss, clogged ducts, oversupply, and the list goes on.

We spent endless hours in Zoe’s first few weeks of life with doctors, SLPs, ENTs, lactation consultants, and chiropractors who were all there to support Zoe and I and get us to a successful feeding routine. Because of the hills we climbed and the obstacles we faced, Zoe and I were able to donate 525oz of milk to NorthernStar Mothers Milk Bank for those little babes who need it. Zoe’s happy, healthy, and well fed too. It was all so worth it.


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