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Donor Profile: Jessica's Story

When our twins were born prematurely in 2017, I struggled to make enough milk for them. At one point in those early days we spoke with our lactation consultant about donor milk and she gave us a brochure for NorthernStar Mothers Milk Bank. Fortunately with help and persistence I managed to breastfeed the twins until they self-weaned at a year old. I didn't require the use of donor milk but I hung on to that brochure as I felt a special place in my heart for those babies and the facility that provides for them. Fast forward almost two years later and our singleton was born full-term. He had no issues with breastfeeding and I was able to produce extra milk from the start. As he wouldn't take a bottle I started looking into options for donating that extra milk. I pulled out the brochure and knew that I wanted to give back to this amazing service that was once offered to us.

I wasn't sure if donating would be possible however, as we had since moved across the country. NorthernStar made the process easy and convenient - I was able to ship my milk donations all the way to Calgary (even during a pandemic!) It's an inexplicable feeling knowing that my milk will help sick and fragile babies get the best start in life. I am truly honoured to be part of such an extraordinary opportunity. The team at NorthernStar is unparalleled in their dedication, kindness and support. Donating my milk has been one of the best decisions I've ever made! Thank you, NorthernStar. ❤️



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